Additional Resources
Race, Space & Segregation
“New Southside mural inspirational, educational -- and colorful, too.” Arizona Daily Sun, August 2011: A-5.
“The Days of ‘Haze’: A Personal Journey Down the Back Road to Brown v. Board of Education.” Linda C. Boone, Arizona Attorney, March 2000: 38-40.

“Commentary: Arts, Neighborhoods, and Social Practices: Towards an Integrated Epistemology of Community Arts.” Karen Chapple and Shannon Jackson, Journal of Planning Education and Research 29
“The African American Murals of Los Angeles.” Robin Dunitz, American Visions 9 (Dec./Jan. 1994/1995): 14.

“Rio De Flag – Flood Control.” Bill Gaud, Northern Arizona University.
“Rio de Flag Faces Reengineering.” Lucas Holub, The Lumberjack (October 2002).
“The Community Mural and Democratic Art Processes.” Michael R. Mosher, Review of Radical Political Economics 36 (Fall 2004): 528-537.
“The Murdoch Center is Producing Solar Energy!” Solar Mosaic, 2012.
“The Art of Swinging Left in the 1930s: Modernism, Realism, and the Politics of the Left in the Murals of Stuart Davis.” Jody Patterson, Art History 33 (Feb 2010): 98-123.
“Hey! Are There Any Murals Around Here?” Jon Pounds, Public Art Review 17 (Fall/Winter 2005): 16-19.
“Art as Civic Biography: Philadelphia Murals Project.” Robin Rice, New Art Examiner 26 (April 1999): 18-23.
Wilson Riles: “‘No Adversary Situation,’ Public School Education in California and Wilson C. Riles,” recorded by Sarah Sharp, Regional Oral History Office. The University of California Bancroft Library, 1984.
“Can the Arts Change the World? The Transformative Power of Community Arts.” Abby Scher, New Directions for Adult & Continuing Education 116 (Winter 2007): 3-11.
“Public Art at the Global Crossroads: The Politics of Place in 1930s Los Angeles.” Sarah Schrank, Journal of Social History 44 (Winter 2010): 435-457.
“The Academic and Social Value of Ethnic Studies: A Research Review.” Christine E. Sleeter/National Education Association, 2011.
“Conflict and Consensus: New Deal Mural Post Office Art.” Robert L. Stevens and Jared A. Fogel, National Social Science Journal 33 (Jan 2010): 160-165.
“A Methodological Model for Rapid Assessment, Response, and Evaluation: The RARE Program and Public Health.” Robert Trotter and Richard Needle, et al, Field Methods 13 (May 2001): 137-259.
“Community, Consensus & the Protest Mural.” Jane Weissman and Janet Braun-Reinitz, Public Art Review 17 (Fall/Winter 2005): 20-23.
“The Rise of Black Phoenix: African-American Migration, Settlement and Community Development in Maricopa County, Arizona 1868-1930.” Matthew Whitaker, The Journal of Negro History 85 (Summer 2000): 197.
Mountain Town: Flagstaff's First Century. Platt Cline/Northland Publications, 1994.
Theatre of the Oppressed. Augusto Boal/Theatre Communications Group, 1985.
Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment. Patricia Hill Collins/Routledge, 2000.
Rouch in Reverse. Manthia Diawara/California Newsreel.
The Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Paulo Freire/Continuum.
What Has Passed and What Remains: Oral Histories of Northern Arizona’s Changing Landscapes. Peter Friederici, ed./ The Univ. of Arizona Press, 2010.
How Racism Takes Place. George Lipsitz/Temple Univ. Press, 2011.
American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass. Douglas S. Massey and Nancy A. Denton/Harvard University Press, 1993.
The Great Depression, America, 1929-1941. Robert McElvaine/Times Books, 1984.
All Deliberate Speed: Reflections on the First Half-Century of Brown v. Board of Education. Charles Ogletree/W. W. Norton & Co, 2004.
Theme Town: A Geography of Landscape and Community in Flagstaff, Arizona. Tom Paradis/iUniverse, Inc, 2003.
Southside Community Assessment. 2009. Flagstaff, AZ: Southside Community Association, Civic Service Institute at NAU, and the Arizona Community Foundation.